Saturday, October 24, 2009


I crave mistake-free soccer games.
I crave the approval of those watching.
I am selfish and prideful.

Thanks be to Jesus who purchased me with His blood on the cross!

Now I may play for His glory, and my enjoyment of the game.

May I forget myself today and play because God is so good, for the glory of Jesus.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

If Jesus did not get up from the grave, you should feel sorry for me

"If Jesus did not get up from the grave, you should feel sorry for us...But nobody is gonna feel sorry for you if they can't tell you put all your stock in Jesus.

"If your life doesn't reflect how valuable Jesus is, no one is gonna be like, 'I hope that's real'--if you look like the world does...

"If you're investing your life in eternal things, if your life reflects how valuable and incredible Jesus is, and some of the decisions you make everyday demonstrate that you live for Christ--people should feel sorry for you if this ain't real because you gave it all...."--Lecrae

but here's what Paul said: BUT IN FACT, CHRIST HAS BEEN RAISED FROM THE DEAD (1 Cor 15:20)

He did get up.

Don't waste your life.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

5 Reasons Why I am Anti-morals

5. One mistake or wrong doing discredits any "goodness" I have or do

4. Morals produce proud people... the sin that got Satan kicked out of heaven

3. I have not the capacity to be good when even my thoughts are evil
Matthew 5:21-26

2. The prodigal son stole money, had prostitutes, and ran away... he wanted his dad's money to serve his own desires; but he didn't want his dad.

1. The prodigal's brother stayed home, and obeyed his dad. Worked hard and did it all "right." Yet was ticked off when his brother came home and dad threw the biggest party.

This is me. Wanting the father's gifts by trying to earn his favor by doing all the right things...
but not wanting the father.

The point Jesus makes in this story is that it is not about what we do that makes us worthy of the Father's love.

The REASON why we do either bad or "good" is what separates us from the Father.

I don't want God; I want his benefits.

But Jesus, came to shatter morality by fulfilling the law with joy and perfection on our behalf.

So that, through Christ, I may experience grace: blood that washed away my morality.

Rid me of this appearance of goodness, Lord I ask... I hate it. I deserve your wrath, and yet you sent Jesus to die for the Church that I might know you, your love, the power of your resurrection... and be compelled to ENJOY YOU.

God is better than morality.

Christianity is not morality.

Jesus is not merely my example of perfection to conform to. IMPOSSIBLE.
He is my SAVIOUR.

Remember, the Bible is the book that says even our righteous deeds are like dirty rags when offered to God... original language... literally meaning: dirty tampons.

Isaiah 64:4
We have all become like one who is unclean,
and all our righteous deeds are like a polluted garment.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Does God care about soccer?

"There it is, the answer to the most important question in all of life! God made you and me for his glory...

"To bring something glory means to make it look great.

"Everything we do is to be done to the glory of God. Every jump shot and every slap shot. Every single and every strikeout. Every victory and every defeat. Whether we ride the bench, or start every game of the season, all of it is to be done to the glory of God."
--Stephen Altrogge, Game Day for the Glory of GOD