Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dear Astronomy,

So get this: Astronomy is a 3 credit gen ed... and I've put ALMOST more time into homework and preparation for tests than I did for my Arabic classes. It's a bit out of control.

What I do appreciate about the class is the learning curve. I have not learned this much "new information" so systematically for some time. Planets, moons, their cycles and phases, our sun, our solar system, the galaxies... orbits, revolution, and rotation... this class is info overload!

An interesting thing Dr. Trapp said in class the other day is that Astronomers can see approximately 5% of the universe. When we asked him how they knew it was "5%" if they can't see the entirety of it in order to know what fraction they see... he had a pretty decent answer which I can't really remember.

So when I read this today, I was humbled--to say the least:

"Who has measured the waters in the hollow of his hand, or with
the breadth of his hand marked off the heavens? Who has held the
dust of the earth in a basket, or weighed the mountains on the
scales and the hills in a balance?" -- Isaiah 40:12

God is more majestic than I know Him to be. My sin is so often a result of not viewing Him rightly. Jesus is what my soul craves, and the only one capable of fully satisfying these cravings for pleasure and joy!

May I see myself in light of God's vastness and be humbled. May I then see the greater glory of the slaughtered Lamb--Jesus Christ--and be spurred to live to make this glory known and magnified.