Friday, July 18, 2008


he·do·nism (noun):
1 : the doctrine that pleasure or happiness is the sole or chief good in life
2 : a way of life based on or suggesting the principles of hedonism

"say imma hedonist>>i seek my pleasure>>hey man look around>>cats seekin their pleasure>>seeking joy>>seekin satisfaction.>>well, us too.>>but the difference is>>we seekin to be satisfied in the Lord alone,>>cuz not only is He far greater,>>but He's glorified in that."
--Trip Lee

"What Is Christian Hedonism?
My shortest summary of Christian Hedonism is: God is most glorified in us when we are most satisfied in him.
We all make a god out of what we take the most pleasure in. Christian Hedonists want to make God their God by seeking after the greatest pleasure—pleasure in him.
By Christian Hedonism, we do not mean that our happiness is the highest good. We mean that pursuing the highest good will always result in our greatest happiness in the end. We should pursue this happiness, and pursue it with all our might. The desire to be happy is a proper motive for every good deed, and if you abandon the pursuit of your own joy you cannot love man or please God. " --Pastor John Piper

Trip Lee


Don't Waste Your Life.

Sara Grace


Unknown said...

Hey Sara,

I work with Reach Records and we are keeping in touch with bloggers more. Saw your post on Trip Lee. Would you want to be included in our update list? If so, send your email and address to info [at] reachrecords dot com.
